Concert 6:
03/27/2015 at The Crocodile (Seattle, WA)
Joe Pug with Special Guest Field Report (Solo)
I love Silver Platters! They have been responsible for me going three concerts in the past two years for free. All bands I have never heard of, but no complaints because they have all turned out to be entertaining. My favorite show I won tickets to was Tom Odell with Special Guest Vance Joy in October of 2013. But that isn’t this show.  This show was Joe Pug with special guest Field Report (who was playing solo instead of as the full band so really it was just Chris Porterfield).
I didn’t know who either of these bands were but that has never stopped me before. It took a bit to convince someone to go to the show with me since it was so last minute and apparently, like me, no one knew who they were. I listened to them a bit on Spotify and found that Joe Pug had a country feel to him. I’m not a huge country fan but he was from Austin, TX so totally worth a shot. I mean, wasn’t that the point of this 50 bands/50 concerts list item, to find new music? So that left Field Report. I didn’t get a chance to check out Field Report but figured it would be fine.
That morning I happened to ask a friend if she had plans, to which she said no, so I asked her to come to the show. Finally had someone to go with. We hit dinner at Pintxo, this little tapas bar in Bell Town near the Crocodile. Food was fantastic, great sangria. We chilled there for a few hours before the show started. It had been awhile since we had spent time together, so we played catch up. Mostly venting about work and the cost of living in Seattle. Then off to the show.
Field Report was great! I loved Chris. The music was a little on the more melancholy side but it was beautiful and he was hilarious. His in between song banter kept the mood light. Again, since I didn’t know his music I can’t really tell you what he played. I did find out later that one song was called Michelle. He played for probably 45 minutes. I enjoyed it a lot.
After a short intermission Joe Pug and his band took the stage. I have to say I enjoyed his recorded music on Spotify a little better than I did live. Its not that the music wasn’t good, its just that everything he played staying in the mid tempo range. I expected that he would kick it up a notch since he was with a full band. He was charming and funny and full of energy, but the music never seemed to really pick up. Just stayed in that range. There was a part where he came out and played solo. I did enjoy that part. He sounded smooth, the music was emotional. I connected with it. We didn’t stay the entire set because we were both really tired from work, but we stayed until the encore. Tracy didn’t seem to really enjoy Joe at all, I would say I might listen to his recorded music but I don’t know that I would buy tickets to see him play.
Overall I would say it was a good night, good music, a new discovery. I would go see Field Report again. Joe Pug, I would go see if someone else I liked was also playing. I didn’t walk away a huge fan, but I didn’t dislike him. I just, expected…more.
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