April 19, 2015 in 101 Things To Do List, 50 Concerts, Live Music, Music, Seattle Bands

Evolution of an Artist: Allen Stone

#46 GO TO 50 CONCERTS OF 50 DIFFERENT BANDS/MUSICIANS (9/50) Concert 9: 04/14/2015 at Nectar Lounge (Seattle, WA) Allen Stone w/ Special Guest Manattee Commune Evolution of an Artist Series   Allen

October 1, 2011 in Live Music, Music, Seattle Bands, Uncategorized

10.01.11 Ravenna Woods w/openers The Young Evils and The Summer Babes (Tractor Tavern, Seattle WA)

So let me say first, I love small venue shows. The type of show where the band is mingling with everyone before it starts so that once the performances begin,